Bookings can be made up to 2 hours before your sitting is due to begin, simply click on the Make a Booking button and enter your details.
try nannoNanno uses shortlists to make repeat booking quicker and easier - simply browse our sitters, find the ones with the skills you’re looking for, and add them to a shortlist. Next time you make a booking you can select which list to send the request to.
try nannoNanno includes secure chat, so you can exchange messages with your sitter before and during your booking - perfect for checking in whilst you’re out.
try nannoAll Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
subscriptionsAll Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.
All Nanno sitters are priced according to your subscription - with the paid Premium plan having a lower hourly rate than the free Basic plan. You can switch plans whenever you like.